Tony Willis BSc (Hons); PhD (ANU)
Tony is the only Senior Executive to have served in both of Australia’s major research funding Councils – the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Australian Research Council (ARC). He brings unique insights into the policies, programs, procedures and expectations of both agencies.
He managed NHMRC’s key grant schemes for many years and developed peer review policy for, and implementation of NHMRC’s ‘new grant program’. He also led NHMRC initiatives on research impact, quality, integrity and ethics.
Tony was Executive General Manager (‘Deputy CEO’) at the ARC for more than 2 years. He oversaw Corporate and ICT operations and had a policy focus on Australia’s national university research evaluation programs – Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and Engagement and Impact (EI).
Tony has deep and wide experience of the Australian Government and the higher education and research sectors. As a successful researcher in his own right, he also understands the pressures, drivers and needs of the research community, bringing high-level skills and judgement to his work.